Saturday, March 7, 2009


So, a couple weeks ago, Douglas and I went on a date to the mall and ate at the food court. Afterwards, we decided we wanted some ice cream, so we headed to Dairy Queen. It was less than an hour before closing. I ordered an oreo brownie earthquake and Douglas ordered a strawberry sundae. The guy filled up my cup with vanilla ice cream and then ran out of vanilla. So, he told Douglas there was only enough for me, but not for him. He apologized and suggested another treat without vanilla ice cream. Douglas chose to have a cup of plain chocolate ice cream (which was fine for him.) The guy felt so bad that he said we could have the whole order for $2! And it's not like we were complaining or anything; we knew it closed soon and it was understandable. So, we walked away with our treats that we just paid a whole $2 for and enjoyed some amazingly yummy ice cream! Talk about a sweet deal!

1 is the number of people who love me:

Raadgep Fam said...

nice what an awsome deal!