Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

This year we celebrated Valentine's Day by having a family dinner yesterday at Souplantation and receiving yummy treats from Mom and going to see opening night of Scarlet Pimpernel at the Welk (which was REALLY GOOD, by the way.)

Douglas and I are not into the whole spoil-each-other-on-Valentine's thing, although we both celebrate the holiday and try to do something special. I bought us some caramel- and chocolate-dipped pretzels ahead of time (which were SOOO yummy) and they were delivered on Valentine's Day. And it supported girls camp, so that was an added bonus.

Today, Douglas and I decided to drive down to Old Town and spend Valentine's Day there. We visited his sister, Meredith who works there, ate lunch together at O'Hungry's and the three of us enjoyed some ice cream. It was a lot of fun and we were exhausted by the time we got home.

Hope everyone else had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

2 is the number of people who love me:

Raadgep Fam said...

Those pretzels look so good! I miss old town!

Ashley said...

I love those pretzels, I made some like that at Christmastime and they were yummy! I also LOVE Old Town, I'm jealous you got to go there!