Saturday, June 28
Douglas' dad, sister Meredith and brother Zack came down from Idaho to visit as part of their vacation (they arrived in the area the previous Wednesday, but we didn't see them until Saturday.) So, on Saturday, we all went to the Scottish Highland Games in Vista. Douglas' uncle Russ and cousin Nathan also met us there. In the middle of the day, we got a surprise visit from Douglas' brother Matt and his wife Hollie who drove out from Arizona. There were all sorts of pipers and drummers, merchants, sports, concerts, sheep dog competitions and food at the Games. Douglas bought himself a sword and a t-shirt for his birthday. His dad bought him a dirk (Scottish dagger) and a wooden practice sword.
After the Highland Games, we all went to Fish House Vera Cruz to celebrate Douglas' birthday a little early. Everyone who was at the Games went, but, instead of Nathan, we were joined by Aunt Maleena (sp?).
On Sunday, Dad, Zack and Meredith came to church with us and then to dinner at my family's house. Matt and Hollie joined us for cookies (a family tradition.) Then we said goodbye as everyone left to continue their vacation. It was great to see them.
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