Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Douglas!!

Today, my wonderful husband, Douglas turns...

And he's celebrating by going to...
Cuz it's FREE!

I'm trying not to be jealous. I'm not going because it's not worth it to pay $69 to waddle around all day and watch him go on rides.

Yesterday, we went birthday shopping and he got a hat and sunglasses!


2 is the number of people who love me:

Ashley said...

Free birthdays at Disneyland is such a great thing, I wish I could go on mine! And yeah, it's hard to go to Disneyland when you're pregnant because you can't go on lots of the fun rides.

Raadgep Fam said...

what a great wife you are! I am sure that when you are not pregnate and its your birthday he will take you! hang in there!