Saturday, June 27, 2009

Mary Ellen Edmunds

I just returned from an AMAZING fireside where we had the pleasure of hearing from Mary Ellen Edmunds. She is an LDS speaker who is known as "The Happifier." She loves to make people happy.

There were happy face balloons and sunflowers everywhere.

We all got to wear happy face stickers.

The leaders on the stand and Mary Ellen all wore huge (like a foot in diameter) round yellow happy face nametags. There was this general feeling of happiness before the fireside even began. Mary Ellen is absolutely hilarious and gave us many tips on being happy. She spoke so fast, I had a hard time keeping up with notes. I am on a spiritual high right now. Awesome!

1 is the number of people who love me:

The Larsen's said...

She came to Vista a couple years ago, and then I heard her (and got a picture with her) at the MTC. She is an amazing woman!