Sunday, June 28, 2009

Pregnancy Pet Peeves

I love being pregnant. I have no complaints. Except when people are rude. Twice in the last couple days, people have asked if I'm having twins. And they both knew I was only having one. Why am I offended at this? Is it because I feel that question is almost like saying I'm fat? I must come up with a smart comeback. And my other pet peeve is asking me if I've had the baby yet. Today I was asked that, so I looked down at my big tummy just to double check and said, "Nope!" I still have 5 1/2 more weeks until my due date. And I'm probably going to go past it. I'm dreading seeing people as my due date approaches and being asked, "Are you sure you're not having twins?" or "You haven't had the baby YET?" Ok, I'm done.

2 is the number of people who love me:

~The Redhead~ said...

If people ask "you haven't had the baby yet>" you can say "nope, it doesn't want to come out into a world of mean people who need to keep their noises in their own business".

Yeah, that's not nice and I don't suggest it- but I have actually overheard that conversation on a bus.

And remember- no matter what they say.. you'll have a QT baby soon enough to make it all worth it!

Kricket said...

Don't you just love ppl sometimes? As to twins, just laugh it off. Most ppl, including men, look pregnant b/c they are so overweight. Just keep that in your head. I could give you something totally nasty to say but you're so sweet, I wouldn't want anybody to think anything else of you. As to the question of whether you've had the baby, I would just ask them very sincerely, "Why, I don't look pregnant all of a sudden?" It's not rude but it will make them feel bad.

Hang in there! You look amazing. Personally, I love the fact that I can eat what I want and my pregnant belly hides any belly rolls. Take comfort in that!