Monday, November 17, 2008

I got tagged!

My very first tag:

1) Post rules on your blog
2)Answer the six "8" items
3)Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV shows:
- Heroes
- Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
- American Idol
- America's Got Talent
- The Price Is Right
- The Bonnie Hunt Show
- 7th Heaven (yes, I admit it)

8 Things I did yesterday:
- Went to church
- Played organ in church
- Played piano in church
- Went to Douglas' quartet rehearsal
- Went to choir rehearsal
- Played chimes
- Ate cookies
- Watched Discovery Channel with Douglas and Jordan

8 Things I look forward to:
- Thanksgiving
- Choir rehearsals
- Christmas
- Vacation(s)
- Joining a new orchestra
- Being with family all the time
- Going shopping for new clothes
- Playing in my new Christmas quartet

8 Favorite Restaurants:
- Applebee's
- Subway
- Jack in the Box
- Olive Garden
- Souplantation
- On The Border
- Ihop
- Chili's

8 Things on my wish list: (I guess I've turned these more into goals)
- Be a mommy
- Own a house
- Adopt a dog
- Be healthy
- Lose 10-15 more pounds
- Learn German
- Get as much knowledge as I can
- Do more than just teaching with my music skills

8 people to tag:
- Jessica S.
- Jessica Y.
- Claudia
- Karlie
- Katie S.
- Katie C.
- Lynn
- Brooke

0 is the number of people who love me: