Sunday, August 3, 2008

International Youth Symphony pool party!

Yesterday, I went to a party with the orchestra at one of the host family's house. Their house is incredible! It's absolutely huge and immaculate and the pool is awesome! It was just warm enough to feel great! It has a water slide and a water fall. I haven't had this much fun swimming in a long time. After swimming, we had dinner, which was lasagna, garlic bread, salad and lots of desserts. Then we learned how to dance! We learned waltzing from the Germans and Austrian and salsa from the Venezuelans. As we left, we stopped in the garage and admired the 3 Ferraris!

Here's pretty much everybody (I am one of 3 Americans)

Countries represented: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Holland, Italy and USA (I'm the top right)

Countries represented: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Turkey and Holland

Countries represented: Turkey, Switzerland and I don't know who the 3rd person is. Possibly from Israel

Countries represented: Venezuela and USA

Countries represented: Italy and Turkey

The Venezuelans teaching salsa dancing

Not one, not two, but three Ferraris!

0 is the number of people who love me: